Executives must approach reorganization efforts with great care or risk value erosion.

Organization Design is often referred to as “Transformation,” a buzz word so commonly employed it is losing meaning. True transformation is a journey, not a quick-fix project.
Organization Design (OD) methodologies aid businesses in their journey using qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Companies create and store value in three primary locations; culture, processes, and intellectual property. Executives who understand this realize they must approach reorganization efforts with great care or risk value erosion in all three sanctuaries.

Download our free eBook "Organization Design: Guiding Principles for Optimal Company Structure" to learn the fundamentals to preserve organizational health and minimize value loss.

This eBook will elaborate on toolkit elements that include:
  • Census Cleansing
  • Activity Value Studies
  • Span of Control Studies
  • Organization Structure Sandbox
  • and More...